New Year Resolutions 2018

How is it already 2018?! This past year was a year of change and adventure, I can't wait to see what 2018 brings! One of the biggest changes I made was how I viewed my health. In the past I had made goals to be more active, run long distances, lose weight, etc. but I never followed through with them. I would go on a run then get discouraged that I had to take breaks, and I would stop running all together. I set unrealistic unrealistic standards for myself, and would get upset if I could not meet them. This past summer I made a goal to live a healthier lifestyle and finally stuck with it! I started small and eventually built off my progress. I started eating a clean diet and began to workout everyday. One of the things that helped was cutting out dairy from my diet. I LOVE dairy and thought this would be impossible for me, because it was something I grew up eating every day. I stopped buying it and found that if it wasn't in my house, then I didn't crave it. Now I buy small mounts of it , but use it purposefully. I began to workout every day, no matter how tired I was. I found that I actually really enjoyed it and it made me feel so much better when I did. These changes made me feel like a much more energetic person, and they eventually became habits. I am not perfect with my goals, but I am trying every day. I wanted my put my health goals out the world, partly to keep me accountable, but mostly so others could join in with me! I want to create a support system for those resolving to create a healthier life. Let's make 2018 our year!

Health Goals 2018:

  • Drink a green smoothie every morning (kale, spinach, banana, protein powder, almond milk, hemp, chia). Pack veggies in at the start of the day to up my fiber intake and keep me energized throughout the day. I will post recipes for my favorite smoothies soon!

  • Invest in my health. Buy workout clothes that make me feel good. Splurge on fruits, veggies and other health items. "Every meal is a short-term investment in how you feel and perform., a mid-term investment in how you look, and a long-term, investment in your freedom from disease" -Alan Aragon

  • Exercise 5 times a week . Workout for at least 30 minutes, no matter what!!  Find another exercise I enjoy doing. Run 3 miles without stopping . Even if my workout is only surfing, I want to make myself feel better mentally and physically every day. 

  • Lose at least 5 pounds . I know it's important to love your body, but I also think it's important to push yourself. Focus on turning fat into muscle. Work towards a stronger body. 

  • LOVE my body.  Compliment myself rather than criticizing myself. Be patient with myself, especially when I do not see results.

  • Meal plan. Meal plan and prep all my dinners and lunches for the week. Eat healthy lunches, not just snacks. Make a yummy dressing at the beginning of the week to put on salads. 

  • Meat on the side. Make veggies the star of the show, eat smaller portions of meat. Cook vegetarian 2 dinners a week. Amp up my veggies with every meal! 

  • Wake up earlier. I am a total nigh owl and the worst morning person, but I want to change that. Wake up early enough to eat a solid brekafast and get a workout in before class. Try to not look at my phone first thing in the morning, leave room for my own thoughts. 

  • Drink more water . I have always struggled with staying hydrated, but not this year! Drink at least 80 oz of water everyday (2 hydroflasks). 


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